Tanzania Diaspora Hub Green initiative

The Tanzania Diaspora Hub (TDH) for Wekeza Nyumbani is a registered non-profit organization in the State of North Carolina, USA, whose aims are to contribute to Tanzania’s sustainable economic development, by harnessing the potential of the Tanzania Diaspora for development, to increase the communities’ awareness of their impact on their local environment.

Tanzania Diaspora Hub Green initiative is a non-profit philanthropic project under the Tanzania Diaspora Hub founded by TDH members to address critical environmental pollution that contribute to alarming climatic changes facing the whole world today, Tanzania inclusively.  The project’s vision is a greener land, blue oceans, and cleaner beaches in Tanzania, which will be achieved by carrying out two main activities; ocean and beach cleanups, and planting of trees on bare open selected parts of Tanzania mainland. The mission is to mobilize Tanzanians through TDH, to take part in environmental preservation activities for sustainable development of Tanzania. The project’s mission and vision have been influenced by the increasing climate changes affecting our world today; such as global warming, soil degradation, and increasing numbers of plastics that are found in the oceans and beach shores. It is reported that by 2040, there will be more plastics in the ocean than the number of fish- Ellen MacArthur Foundation, this calls for urgent innovative interventions such as the Green Initiative. As various world organizations such as UN and World bank are researching and simultaneously taking actions on how to end these world calamites, Green Initiative is looking on join the fight in adhering to the United Nations Sustainable Development goals 14 and 17, and contributing to the circular economy with the end result of cleaner Tanzanian beaches and oceans, and over 1000 newly planted trees by the end of 2023. The project will be launched in December 2022, Dar es salaam-Tanzania by TDH members from all over the globe including Europe and United States of America.

The tentative budget for the project is 1 million Tanzanian shillings, which will be funded by Amboni Group of companies and CPS. For the sustainability of the project, future funding will be raised through investors, donors, fundraising dinner galas, and other revenue generating activities within TDH Green initiative.

Contact Us

No matter what you want to know or tell us, we always welcome your interest in Tanzania Diaspora Org. 


Durham, NC – USA 27713


2 Bains Singh Avenue
Masaki, Dar-es-salaam, Tanzania

Email & Phone
 +255 652053348 (Tanzania)


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